Choosday Chat With Sharks Hooker Armel van Erck
We chat with Dubai Sharks hooker – Armel van Erck as he talks mind reading, broken noses and secret tattoos.
Age: 40
Born: Brussels, Belgium
Club: Dubai Sharks
Position: Hooker
Height: 174cm
Weight: 98kg
“He tried to tackle a bloke with his nose, which ended up getting broken.”
Do you have any nicknames?
I have many… Shorty, Fatty, and Belgie seem to be the most frequent ones used in the changing room!
What do you get up to in your spare time?
Coaching kids’ rugby, cycling, and spending time with my boy, which is the best thing in the world.
What’s the funniest thing you’ve seen or heard on a rugby pitch?
A few years ago, our fullback – Robbo, tried to tackle a bloke with his nose, which ended up getting broken in the process. There is even a picture showing him in mid air with only his nose touching the guy’s heel. [YR – Look what we found!]
Do you have any phobias?
I have an irrepressible fear of heights, which is going to make many people chuckle…
If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
I’d love to be able to read people’s minds!
Do you have any hidden talents?
I can cook up a pretty good dinner!
Who has the worst dress sense at the Dubai Sharks?
Definitely Philip Smurthwaite (Smurf).
If you could be one of your team-mates, who would it be?
Probably Dan Griffiths, just to see how life is as a short, fat, angry bloke.
Who does the cooking at home?
Easy. Me. I’m the best at cooking in the house.
What do you miss most about Belgium
The forests and the lakes around where I live, the incredible Belgian food, and obviously, my family.
Do you have any tattoos?
Yes. Enough said. [YR – Must be the French flag!!]
Who would be your three dream dinner guests?
Barack Obama, Sandra Bullock and Sebastian Chabal.
How’s life in Dubai?
Life in Dubai is great! Rugby plays a big part in making life so good here! I’ve made lots of great friendships over the past 13 years that I’ve spent here too.
About the author
Alex Johnson
I'm a passionate digital marketer based in Dubai who enjoys rugby, photography and the outdoors. I've been helping businesses grow their online presence for over 20 years with clients based all across the globe.