ladies rugby at Dubai Sharks

Ladies Rugby Back On Menu At Dubai Sharks RFC

Published On: 10/09/20By

At the end of last season, when new chairman – Charlie Taylor took charge of the Dubai Sharks Rugby club, he decided to revisitย  the idea of a women’s rugby team in Dubai.

Taylor recounts:

“It was a bit of a difficult period, I became Chairman right at the beginning of lockdown, so timing really couldn’t have been any worse, but the flip side, if we can’t give it a go now, when can you give it a go, we have nothing to lose.”

Most of the girls playing for the Sharks are new to rugby and are training hard each week. Talking about the game plan and winning strategies at this stage is very early, but there is an opportunity to grow ladies rugby at the club.

When asked about how the ‘Lady Sharks’ will make their mark, Taylor went on to say:

“I’m pretty confident we’re going to have the fitness to go the distance, but the biggest thing is working on their ball skills. In terms of women’s rugby, I want to be heavily involved in growing the game across the UAE, and if you look at the percentage of players we’ve got, most have never played rugby before.”

Out of the 20 girls at the Dubai Sharks Rugby club, 16 are new to the sport, or freshies to the Gulf rugby scene, which is great to see that new players areย  looking to get involved this season.

As we enter the backend of what has been a pretty turbulent year for the region, with the pandemic and economic climate, you’d think numbers would be pretty tight, when trying to build a new women’s rugby team. It seems lockdown has almost been a good thing, as more and more people are looking to get outdoors and be part of an activity, which will no doubt suit many newcomers to the club with their “Serious Rugby, Seriouslyย  Social” ethos.

We wish the Dubai Sharks Womens rugby team all the best in what we hope will (eventually) be a great season for ladies rugby!

Ladies Rugby Training Times

Training for the Sharks is at Nord Anglia School just off Hessa Street on a Monday and Wednesday at 19:00 – 21:00.

If you’re interested in playing rugby or joining a women’s rugby team, why not get in touch with the Sharks or one of the other ladies rugby clubs in the UAE. You can visit the Womens Sevens Series page of our site to keep track of all the teams involved.

Views: 629

About the author

Alex Johnson

I'm a passionate digital marketer based in Dubai who enjoys rugby, photography and the outdoors. I've been helping businesses grow their online presence for over 20 years with clients based all across the globe.

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